Wednesday 23 November 2011

Philosophy of Religion: Argument from Design

In Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, Hume uses a discussion between three fictional characters to outline his views on the theory of design and god. This theory is championed by the character Cleanthes and dispelled by Philo (the other character Demea doesn't have much to say). The argument goes something like this:

Cleanthes; Cause equals effect. If an effect we see is similar to another effect then the causes should be similar also. The world looks like a complicated machine. Complicated machines in real life are designed by intelligent human beings. The world must also have been designed by an intelligent entity which is god. God is like a human mind but more complex.

Philo; analogy is weak.
(a) Cause equals effect only if similar articles are discussed. For instance knowledge of a leaf growing will not tell us much about the vegetation of a tree. Also in most cases the operation of a smaller part.
(b) operation of a part does not tell us about operation of a whole. For instance you could not use a peasant economy as a paradigm for the economy of a state.
(c) Uses the human mind as an analogy for the mind of god is not very impartial.
(d) We have no idea in many instances of how nature works now let alone at the start of the universe.
(e) Therefore, only when objects are the same can an analogy be suitably applied. Hence we would need to see the origin of worlds similar to ours to see a suitable analogical example.

Cleanthes repost; but we do not need to see the origin of another world to see that the Copernican system is valid in this world. You can prove the origin of the universe based on your experiences.

Philo: but there are other worlds that prove the Copernican system which are directly observed- the Moon, Venus, etc. He concludes that the nature of the origin of the world exceeds all human reason and enquiry.

Some time late, the philosopher William Paley wrote 'Natural Theology'. This modified the argument from design to make it more palatable for non believers.

My views:

It seems without the theory of evolution we would be logically inclined to believe that there was a designer of the world. How else would complex things come into being.

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